Partners & Sponsors

Oxford Round Table would like to thank the following for their help and support of their 56th Annual Charity Fireworks Display:



With thanks to


This event has been supported by the PPL PRS charity and community discount scheme. PPL PRS licenses the use of copyright music across the UK, giving businesses and organisations the permission they need to play the music they want.

For more information about PPL PRS, visit or call 0800 0720 808

What people Say

Oxford Firework's has become a household event and name around Oxford,
here a few thoughts & comments from beneficiaries

Helen and Douglas house The Oxford Round Table have been a constant support to Helen & Douglas House for a number of years. They have supported us with extremely generous donations from the fireworks displays, attended and supported our events and even supplied the highest quality towels for our children to use. We can’t thank them enough for their continued friendship!

Lucy Walker

Sobell House Over the years Sobell House have had fantastic support from Oxford Round Table. They are really good friends of the hospice and we very much value the relationship we have with all their members. Money raised from the Fireworks on the evening is then used to support so many wonderful local charities and we are delighted to be one of those beneficiaries. Brilliant!

Tim Wraith

Headington Action Festival Committee Committed and creative in its contributions to community cohesion – that sums up our experience of the Round Table. Thanks for your time, ideas and financial support to ensure the continued success of our annual festival.

Elsa Bell